The facility includes equipment and technical area for the development, the preparation, assembling and testing SRF cavity, accelerating cryomodules equipped with the cryogenic cold box and housing SRF cavities fully dressed with their ancillaries (e.g. power coupler, magnetic shielding, cold tuning system, pumping systems, instrumentation). The cold tests are performed at liquid helium temperature in the range 1.7 K- 4.2K. The RF instrumentation and RF power sources allow to perform both low (up to 200 W) and high RF power (from 80 kW to MW peak power) tests at two main frequencies: 352 MHz and 704 MHz.
Technical means
Chemical etching facility
Chemical etching of the RF surface of the cavity for removal damaged layer and/or possible surface contamination
- Operational since 2009
- Acid mixture: Phosphoric, Nitric and Hydrofluoric (2.4:1:1)
- Volume of acid : 180 L
- Average etching rate: 0.5 µm/minute
- Chiller to maintain cavity temperature between 15 and 20°C
- Typical etching depth: between 10 and 250 µm
- Maximal Niobium concentration in acid 50 g/l
- On average 10 cavity processing per year
Characterization and quality control:
- Ultrasonic probe (local depth measurement)
- Roughness meter
- Optical microscope (ₓ1000)
- Bright Field, Dark Field, Polarized light
High Pressure Water Rinsing (HPWR) System
Reduce field emission and increase accelerating fields. High pressure water rinsing is currently a standard process for SRF cavities used during the preparation prior to cold tests. It allows efficient removal of potential metallic and dielectric dust particles (field emitters) from the cavity RF surface.
- Ultra-pure water (18.2 MΩ⋅cm) flow rate: 100 l/h
- HPWR system: Pressure: 100 Bar, Flow rate: 400l/h
Clean room dedicated to SRF cavity preparation and cryomodules assembling
Final SRF cavity preparation and assembling
- Total area: 85 m2, ISO4 area: 45 m2
- Controlled ambient temperature and humidity
- Filtered N2 and He gases (for leak tests and particle counting)
- Versatile handling carts for cavities of various shapes and dimensions (elliptical, Spoke, QWR)
- Particles Counter (Range: 0.3 µm-25 µm)
- Deionized water tank: 1500L (about 4h00 of HPWR process)
- 1 Leak detectors
- 200L Ultrasonic bath operating at a power of 10 kW/l (dimensions 100x50x50)
Field of Expertise and Relevant Infrastructure or equipment at IPN Orsay (Accelerators Division)
Field of Expertise | Relevant Infrastructure or equipment |
Recent developments
High energy section of the SPIRAL2 superconducting LINAC
- Fourteen 88MHz QWR, β=0.12 SRF cavities successfully tested
- High energy section β=0.12 superconducting linac consisting of seven cryomodules CMB1 to CMB7. The 7 crymodules housing each, two QWR fully equipped (power coupler, cold tuning system, magnetic shielding, and cryogenic instrumentation) were assembled, completed, successfully tested, shipped to Ganil and installed.
IPN - Orsay (France)
This technical platform provides the expertise and manpower to perform the work and training,
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