LAboratorio per Tecnologie di Acceleratori - LATA (Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro, Padova)
Feature an available surface of around 1000 m2, an overall electrical power of 5 MVA and a consistent refrigeration capability. It is equipped with separated areas for high power tests, properly shielded for radioprotection reasons. Available infrastructures includes RF amplifier system at 352 and 175 MHz at a total 1,2 MW, as well as circulator, power loads and all related high-P components, digital RF controllers, RF structure cooling skids,…
NC Cavities (Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, Rome)
Measurements of scattering parameters of RF structures such as accelerating/deflecting cavities, beam position monitors using Network Analyzer and TDR techniques up to 15 GHz.Tuning and field measurements of RF structures using the bead-pull technique. The platform allows measurements of horizontal structures up to 2 m and vertical structures up to 1 m. The class of the clean room is ISO6.
INFN (Italy)
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